Tag Archives: Hosting

Why You Should Get VPS Hosting for Your Startup

If you are currently starting a new business, it must have crossed your mind whether a shared hosting plan will fulfill your online store’s or business site’s needs.

But have you ever considered a Virtual Private Server (VPS)? With this option, your provider will give you your own virtual server. Within the system, you can customize it to your liking and make your website run smoothly. You’ll have more control, when compared to shared hosting, along with a lot of other benefits.

In this article, we’ll look at how VPS hosting can give your startup a boost. And later, we’ll also discuss when is the right time to get one.

What are the benefits of VPS hosting?

With more and more business owners moving to VPS hosting, you may wonder what it actually offers. In this…

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These Are the Biggest Web Hosting Providers in the World

When it comes to web hosting many think of it as just a service where they host their website, however it is so much more than that. The web hosting industry is rapidly growing. 


Adriaan Brits the CEO of Sitetrail explains that “bigger hosting companies may have a good CDN reach globally, but that does not mean their pricing policies and overcrowded hosting that is slow, as in the case of Godaddy, is the best for consumers”. He says “that is why Sitetrail has set out to gather more accurate market data to determine the best web hosting providers according to consumer satisfaction and actual side-by-side comparison”. 

How big is the web hosting industry really?

In 2019 the web hosting services market share was valued at an astounding 56.7 billion USD, and is expected…

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E commerce update: Why load speed, UX and web hosting matters

eCommerce in the world today is seemingly throwing brick-and-mortar businesses off their game; the online business market is booming, with an estimated count of over 2 billion digital buyers by 2021. However, performing well in eCommerce hinges on a well laid foundation of fundamental website optimizers load speed, UX and web hosting. In fact, starting with a guide on the top 10 web hosting companies is a great start, but you should also do side-by-side comparisons, for example “BlueHost VS Siteground” – which will really narrow down your choices. 

Load Speed: Why Better Web Hosting Will Improve This

Consumers act fast online, with the click of a button they place an order or confirm their details, recent statistics indicate that 52% of users say fast loading…

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These are the biggest web hosting companies right now : Augusta Free Press


(© Gajus – stock.adobe.com)

Web hosting providers support approximately 2 billion websites and the industry is expected to reach $216.59 billion by 2025. Their services provide the heart of the online presence of any website, whether it’s a small online business, huge enterprise, or a family blog.

Measuring the success of web hosting companies can be difficult because it depends on whether one is comparing revenues, the number of hosted websites, traffic…

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5 Best Web Hosting Plans For The Money

Don’t get overwhelmed when you discover tons of web host types available as each have their unique purpose and are designed to support a website by size and functions. If you are not sure which web host provider offers great deals with the right features, either for newcomers or established websites, this guide will walk you through. 

How To Identify A Good Web Host?

Identifying whether a web host is a good catch or not is conveniently accessible if you know what and where to look. Finding a web host that’s truly reliable, scalable, and affordable can be daunting with tons of options. Some packages include feature-rich options that may not provide value for start-up businesses but can be an excellent investment for established sites. 

Determining which option from…

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