Tag Archives: Howard

Jimmy Kimmel And The Best Oscar Hosts Told Howard Stern The Truth About Hosting The Award Show

The Academy Awards are nothing like they used to be. With declining ratings due to a host of factors including fewer people watching cable, the insertion of politics, a tendency to be overly PC, and a host of films most audience members haven’t seen, there’s a ton of discussion surrounding whether The Oscars should even still exist. Yet, there’s still a passion for what The Oscars used to be and every new host clearly has the wish to revamp the show and make it popular again.

Radio legend Howard Stern speaks about the need for changes to The Oscars yearly. Stern’s also had nearly every beloved Oscars host on his show to discuss what it’s really like hosting. Given Stern’s propensity to get his interview subjects to open up, it’s no surprise that these hosts (which include his…

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