Tag Archives: individuals

SugarGh0st RAT Attack Organizations & Individuals in AI Research

SugarGh0st RAT Attacking Organizations & Individuals in AI Research

The cybersecurity company Proofpoint has found a new operation using the SugarGh0st Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that is going after AI research organizations in the United States.

The operation, linked to a threat cluster known as UNK_SweetSpecter, went after businesses, universities, and government agencies.

Attack Method: Emails with AI-themed bait

UNK_SweetSpecter’s campaign in May 2024 used a free email account to send emails with AI-themed traps to people who might be victims. These emails had a zip archive file to get people to open it.

The zip file dropped an LNK shortcut file that used a JavaScript dropper as soon as it was launched.

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This dropper…

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