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The bond of Nestle with Italy it is very strong, considering that it has distant roots. It was 1913 when the Swiss multinational deposited the “Farina Lattea Nestlé” label in Milan. At the time, the group sold two products that are still present on our tables today: the milk powder and the condensed milk. In all these years, Nestlè has left a significant mark throughout Italy, becoming a point of reference for millions of families throughout the country. Nestlè is present in our country with 10 establishments e 74 outlets employing around 4,600 people. Furthermore, in 2022 Nestlè generated 4.2 billion euros of shared value in Italy. And that’s not all.
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The Regional Sub-Window (RSW) for Refugees and Host Communities was introduced as a dedicated financing instrument to support low-income refugee-hosting countries under the 18th Replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA18), with $2 billion to benefit IDA countries hosting refugees from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2020. By the end of the replenishment cycle, 14 countries had received funding for relevant projects.i Among these, 9 countries are scaling up refugees’ access to government social protection programs in host countries through 10 projects with an overall budget of $US626 million via the RSW, representing about 31 percent of the total SubWindow budget. Dedicated financing supporting refugee-hosting IDA countries was continued under the 19th…