Tag Archives: iomart

iomart Group’s (IOM) Buy Rating Reaffirmed at Shore Capital

Shore Capital restated their buy rating on shares of iomart Group (LON:IOMGet Rating) in a research report sent to investors on Monday, Marketbeat.com reports.

iomart Group Stock Up 3.5 %

Shares of LON:IOM opened at GBX 167 ($2.08) on Monday. iomart Group has a 1 year low of GBX 109 ($1.36) and a 1 year high of GBX 200 ($2.49). The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 54.97, a current ratio of 1.18 and a quick ratio of 1.18. The stock’s 50-day moving average is GBX 145.64 and its 200 day moving average is GBX 130.47. The company has a market cap of £184.40 million, a PE ratio of 2,150.00 and a beta of 0.51.

iomart Group Company Profile

(Get Rating)

iomart Group plc provides managed cloud services in the United Kingdom and…

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iomart Group (LON:IOM) Share Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average of $141.57

iomart Group plc (LON:IOMGet Rating)’s stock price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 141.57 ($1.70) and traded as low as GBX 114 ($1.37). iomart Group shares last traded at GBX 115.70 ($1.39), with a volume of 110,009 shares changing hands.

Analyst Ratings Changes

Separately, Shore Capital reissued a “buy” rating on shares of iomart Group in a research report on Wednesday, November 30th.

iomart Group Trading Down 2.8 %

The company has a current ratio of 1.18, a quick ratio of 1.18 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 54.97. The business’s 50-day simple moving average is GBX 122.79 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is GBX 141.57. The company has a market…

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iomart : Advantages and disadvantages of dedicated server hosting

First of all, what is dedicated server hosting? Well, basically, it involves a hosting provider like iomart renting a single server, and the necessary resources, to one client. This allows the client to choose from two options. Option one, the client has exclusive use of the server and can choose to install the software they require themselves and manage the site however they wish. The second option is the client rents the single server and also pays on top of the rental for a full managed service, meaning iomart or another managed service provider will take on all of the techy bits required to maintain the server, including the implementation of software.

So, there are different types of hosting packages and options available and they all vary…

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