Tag Archives: Kelsey

Kelsey Barnard Clark showcases an unexpected Lit’l Smokies recipe

From a simple gathering to a boisterous holiday affair, Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies are a staple. Whether it is the love of a bite-sized food or the versatility that the ingredient offers, cooks and party hosts always have a package ready in the refrigerator. Recently, Chef Kelsey Barnard Clark partnered with the iconic food brand to share a new Lit’l Smokies recipe, some hosting tips, and a way for everyone to enjoy the versatile appetizer ingredient.

While many people love watching food television, recreating some of those epic dishes in the home kitchen might not be quite as easy. Even with a show, like Top Chef, employs some classic food ingredients, some home cooks prefer a simple to execute option.

Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies have been a staple in many people’s…

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