Tag Archives: Lag

Server has 100 ms lag spikes every few hours. Am I being unreasonable asking for a fix?

Quote Originally Posted by Purevoltage
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I have to agree, if they are having to clear their arp table multiple times a day they have a major network issue going on. That sounds like a very critical bug or lack of hardware going on for them that needs to be addressed asap. I would suggest leaving that provider then name and shaming them. If they’re telling you nothing can be done about this.

I don’t normally advocate that, but in this case it may be justified.

A single arista 7050qx32s can arp more ips than most networks will ever have, for like $700. ARP, for ipv4, is a cheap problem to solve these days. If you’re having to regularly clear ipv4 arp, it shows either very poor network hardware or an incompetent network administrator.

For IPv6 it can…

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What Is A Lag Switch, And How Does It Work? – SlashGear

If a person were ever caught with undeniable proof they were lag-switching or exploiting, there would likely be action taken against them. In some cases, cheaters receive hardware bans from games that make it so they can’t even make another account to play on. However, there’s no good way to prove somebody is using a lag switch maliciously or if they just have bad internet. People can have disruptions in their connections that’ll cause them to bounce around on your screen, but it doesn’t mean they’re cheating — it might just mean they have latency problems. If you suspect somebody is using a lag switch, you can always report them and see if the developers look into it and take action. Keep in mind people do cry wolf about people lag switching, so don’t always assume any time…

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