Tag Archives: Lagrange

Infinite Lagrange is hosting the return server event for players who have been away for a while

Haven’t played Infinite Lagrange in a while? Now’s the perfect time! NetEase is hosting a special return server on April 19th for all former pioneers who haven’t ventured out into space in a long time. As its name suggests, the return server is only meant for returning players who have missed out on numerous events and benefits over the last few months.

The goal of Infinite Lagrange’s return server is to become players who haven’t gamed in a while, back up to speed with all the latest developments. As long as the conditions are met, players will be able to participate in a range of customized activities that will make them feel like they never stopped playing in the first place.

Of course, not everything can be achieved in such a short span of time. The Lagrange History event…

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