Tag Archives: Meyers

Brothers Seth and Josh Meyers are co-hosting a podcast all about family vacations

Family vacations: They can be the best of times, they can be the worst of times, but no matter what, they are always memorable. And as summer plans start to wind up, one famous sibling duo is working to save those memories … and share them with others.

In a new podcast called “Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers,” comedians and siblings Seth and Josh Meyers are getting to know celebrities through family vacation stories.

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The artwork for the

Speaking with TODAY, Seth and Josh Meyers shared their inspiration in developing the podcast.“We wanted to find a way to talk to people who have done a lot of interviews over the years,” says Seth. “Stuff that maybe we haven’t talked about in the past.”

The two realized that family vacation stories are something very relatable,…

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