Tag Archives: migrating

What to take into account before migrating from hosting? – Gearrice

Anyone who leads a web project knows that, sometimes, you have to take the step of migrate hosting. The transition can be a disaster or a success, and most of the time this mainly depends on the type of hosting you want to migrate to. You should always look for something stable, safe and quality. And this is an easy task as long as you know well what the new home of your website must comply with. Do you want to know? We are going to tell you.

Factors to consider before migrating from hosting

Do a migration of hosting it is a very delicate task. You are going to have to move everything that gives life to your page, or web pages, from one system to another, and that, if not done well, can have serious consequences that require a long time to repair. Therefore, in case you…

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Migrating Away from Kinsta Hosting and Dealing with Google Cloud Directly: Overcoming Data Accessibility Challenges

In the era of digital transformation, many businesses are opting for cloud hosting due to its versatility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Kinsta, a company that offers managed WordPress hosting on the Google Cloud Platform, simplifies the process of setting up and maintaining websites for businesses. However, the journey of migrating away from Kinsta to deal directly with Google Cloud often presents unforeseen challenges. One significant hurdle is the lack of access to a complete image of the client’s own data, making migration less straightforward.

A recent case exemplifies this situation. A client approached Kinsta with a clear request aimed at streamlining their migration to Google Cloud Compute. They asked, “Instead of us exporting all the files and migrating…

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Migrating Away from Kinsta Hosting and Dealing with Google Cloud Directly: Overcoming Data Accessibility Challenges

In the era of digital transformation, many businesses are opting for cloud hosting due to its versatility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Kinsta, a company that offers managed WordPress hosting on the Google Cloud Platform, simplifies the process of setting up and maintaining websites for businesses. However, the journey of migrating away from Kinsta to deal directly with Google Cloud often presents unforeseen challenges. One significant hurdle is the lack of access to a complete image of the client’s own data, making migration less straightforward.

A recent case exemplifies this situation. A client approached Kinsta with a clear request aimed at streamlining their migration to Google Cloud Compute. They asked, “Instead of us exporting all the files and migrating…

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5 things to consider when migrating to a new web hosting service

Migrating your website can turn into a tiresome, time-consuming experience in no time, even if you up your game with a new, magnificent web hosting (opens in new tab) provider. If you don’t think things through and take proper steps to protect your content, you might end up losing some critical data and even compromise your cybersecurity. 

If it spells hassle, why shouldn’t you save yourself the trouble and stay where you are? Well, there are tons of right reasons why you’ll want to move on. For instance, if your site is suffering disastrous amounts of downtime – go and don’t look back. Do the same if your site is crippled by poor performance – something like slow loading time.  

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