Tag Archives: Modernization

Mastering Cloud App Modernization: Expert Advice For Seamless Transformation

In the realm of business evolution, the cloud presents an unparalleled opportunity for enterprises to unleash the potential of scalability and flexibility.

However, this journey transcends the mere act of transferring applications to the cloud; it involves embedding them with cloud-native capabilities. While the idea seems straightforward, the execution is anything but simple. As is often the case, the devil resides in the intricate details.

Fortunately, the transformation of a legacy application for the cloud need not be a daunting and lengthy endeavor, provided realistic expectations are established and a well-prepared approach is adopted.

To navigate this terrain and avoid unwarranted pains and frustrations, the guidance of cloud modernization experts is invaluable. Below are…

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Modernization of Blogs@VT platform requires user action to save content | VTx

From: Division of Information Technology

The Blogs@VT WordPress blogging platform is scheduled for replacement in spring 2022 in order to bring it into compliance with modern security requirements. The new Blogs@VT platform, located at blogs.tlos.vt.edu, will continue to provide WordPress services, including a collection of popular themes and plugins, to faculty and students for course- and degree-related activities. The new platform will require all users to authenticate using Virginia Tech’s single sign-on (SSO) service.

The current system, located at blogs.lt.vt.edu, will remain online until June 2023; however, no new sites can be created at this location after Jan. 14, 2022. Owners of existing sites can continue to edit their sites through May 20, 2022, after which blogs.lt.vt.edu…

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