Tag Archives: Nicole

“It’s like asking Nicole Brown Simpson to go back to the restaurant”: Chris Rock Came Under Fire for Harsh O.J. Simpson Joke to Refuse Hosting the Oscars

Chris Rock made a tasteless comment when he compared his Oscar-hosting situation with the late Nicole Brown Simpson case. Rock was at the receiving end of Will Smith’s infamous Oscar slap that landed the latter a decade-long ban from the Academy. So when Rock was asked to host the 2023 Awards, it was clearly too soon, and Rock’s reply analogy turned out to be a little controversial.

Fargo actor Chris Rock made a tasteless joke about Nicole Brown Simpson while discussing his Oscar-hosting gig

During one of his standup specials, Rock shared that the Academy offered him the Oscars host role the very next year after the Slap. He shared that asking him to host was just like asking Nicole Brown Simpson to revisit the evidence against O.J. Simpson.

Chris Rock’s Tasteless Joke About Nicole…

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McHale on Hosting Emmys with Jeong, Yvette Nicole Brown

Posted in: Fox, NBC, Peacock, TV | Tagged: Emmys, joel mchale, ken jeong, peacock, Yvette Nicole Brown

Community stars Joel McHale, Ken Jeong & Yvette Nicole Brown hosting the 2023 Emmy Awards? We’re all-in on that – and so is McHale.

While the WGA strike was settled successfully, the SAG-AFTRA strike continues to roll on – now past its 106th day (with a new deal hopefully in sight). Because of that, getting updates on how things are going with Peacock’s movie take on Dan Harmon‘s Community have ground to a halt. In fact, we’ve been reduced to covering Chevy Chase‘s less-than-complimentary comments about his time on the show. So to say that we’re happy to have something different to report would be an understatement – and for…

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