Tag Archives: NotebookLM

Google’s NotebookLM can discuss your notes with you now. How to access it (and why you should)

Girl on a laptop illustration

Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Last year, Google unveiled NotebookLM, an experimental AI notebook that combines LLMs with user notes to further your understanding of a topic by providing summaries, answering questions, and more. Now, it can even discuss your content with you.  

Also: How to use Google’s AI-powered NotebookLM to organize your research

On Wednesday, Google launched Audio Overview in NotebookLM, a feature allowing users to discuss their notebook content in engaging, AI-driven conversations. The discussions are carried out by two AI-generated hosts who use the context of your content to explain complex topics, make analogies, and keep the dialogue going back and forth with you. 

In a blog post announcing the launch, Google shared an example of the AI host discussing…

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