Tag Archives: painfully

David Letterman gets painfully honest on 'The Late Show' comeback after retirement

David Letterman returned to The Late Show as a guest. He and host Stephen Colbert spoke about music and hiding from producers.

David Letterman recently returned to CBS’ The Late Show… as Stephen Colbert’s guest.

Both Letterman and Colbert shared how nervous they were hosting the iconic show, music’s importance to the late-night program and what Letterman missed the most about hosting, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Letterman returns

Letterman’s guest appearance on The Late Show was his first since he retired from his 22-year run in 2015. After he walked out to the audience’s thunderous applause, he thanked them and turned to Colbert, “Oh my. God, Stephen, control your people.”

“I will say this is the most enthusiastic audience I’ve been near since the night I announced I was…

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