Tag Archives: pilot

UNC, Greeley officials to host open house on e-scooter, e-bike pilot program planned for this summer – Greeley Tribune

University of Northern Colorado and Greeley city officials will host an open house next week to provide more information about the city’s planned pilot program for shared e-scooters and e-bikes on campus and in downtown Greeley.

The city is proposing to launch a one-year pilot program starting in July for community members to access the shared devices across the designated mobility zone, which reaches east of 35th Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and north of U.S. 34 to 5th Street, with an extension north to A Street at 14th Avenue.

The open house will run from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the University of Northern Colorado’s University Center, 2101 10th Ave., in Columbine Suite A.

The city’s 2045 transportation master plan recommended the city take an approach of…

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