Tag Archives: Problems

‘Titanfall 2’ Northstar mod appears to solve game’s server problems

For some reason, Respawn Entertainment has become a bit infamous among gamers for rampant server issues across all its titles. DDoS attacks and hackers have plagued Titanfall 1 and Titanfall 2. And Respawn’s battle royale shooter Apex Legends is no stranger to crashing servers, either. Apex players have struggled with unplayable servers at the start of new seasons as well as suffered from DDoS attacks in high-ranked games.

As TF1 and TF2 players begged Respawn for help, some maliciously chose to attack Apex out of spite. Others began troubleshooting TF2’s server problems — and one “Northstar” mod appears to offer a solution to the game’s persistent pain points in the form of custom, player-hosted servers.

In recent weeks, the Northstar mod for Titanfall 2 was released for PC…

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More Servers Won’t Always Fix Your Scaling Problems

At the end of March, Slack CEO Steward Butterfield posted a screenshot that graphed the number of newly created work teams on the platform from January through March. The graph is flat for the first two and a half months, then suddenly shoots up around March 12 — the time when offices around the country began to close and workers started working from home due to COVID-19.

Slack uses AWS, so it was able to autoscale and keep up with demand. But while using a cloud service can be a good way of handling a sudden increase in usage, not all companies use external cloud services, and scaling problems can be complex.

MORE ON ENGINEERINGWhen Microservices Aren’t the Answer


metrics illustration
Looking at performance metrics and usage data together helps determine whether you’re seeing a scaling problem. |…

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