Tag Archives: Products

WordPress exposes WPEngine as substandard! Hosting companies time to offer your products

Quote Originally Posted by SimpleSonic
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They have loyal customers that simply don’t know any better.

That is very much the case with many larger providers, including WPE.

Then you have the developers/designers/site builders who are so used to WPE’s interface/workflow that they don’t want to change even if there is better service and performance.

That said, I think it’s a bit silly to throw WPE under the bus for not contributing more to the community. As far as I know, there are no obligations or requirements for them to contribute a single second or a single penny to the WordPress project, although I suspect there are benefits to doing so.

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Scammers are buying up cheap domain names to host sites that sell dodgy health products

Security experts have warned that web domains are being bought up by scammers to host fake articles and other spurious content. 

A blog post from Netcraft, a UK company specializing in tackling cybercrime, has flagged how it has seen a surge in “health product campaigns that exploit cheap top-level domains (TLDs), reaching up to 60% of a TLD’s daily domain registrations.”

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The Ultimate Guide to IONOS Products

Looking for a virtual private server or cloud computing solution, but the tech jargon and dizzying array of available services is making navigating the space itself a daunting task?

Start with IONOS– a prominent web hosting and cloud service partner that features an inclusive range of digital solutions for individuals and businesses around the globe.

With over 8 million customer contracts, IONOS provides a dedicated customer service agent for every user. Unique to the industry, your own personal consultant will take the time to get to know you and your business, helping you make the most of your online presence.

World-class, round-the-clock customer support through a single point of contact is yours at no extra cost. Plus, versatile contracts and an intuitive interface make…

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