Tag Archives: Protect

Protect Your Online Privacy with Anonymous VPS Hosting

The importance of online privacy and anonymity cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. With the rapid advancement of technology and increasing reliance on the internet for various activities, protecting our digital footprints has become paramount. Traditional web hosting services may offer convenience and ease of use. Still, they often come with inherent privacy risks due to the vast amount of personal data they collect and store. This is where anonymous VPS hosting comes in, providing a secure and private solution for individuals and businesses alike. Let’s explore the importance of privacy and anonymity on the Internet, common surveillance practices, the concept of anonymous VPS hosting, its benefits, and how it ensures privacy while looking at the role of crypto…

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How Can HR Protect Sensitive Data in a Hybrid Workplace with Remote Workers

Work is changing with more hybrid workplaces and remote work. HR professionals and managers must keep confidential information secure and maintain data integrity.

Remote work introduces specific security risks. Since transitioning to remote work, 54% of remote workers have encountered security incidents. This statistic underscores the vulnerability of remote workers.

Further, compliance with data protection regulations assumes vital importance. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes stringent requirements on organizations that handle personal data. Potential penalties for non-compliance reach up to €20 million or 4% of global annual turnover, whichever is higher. Likewise, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) levies fines ranging from $2,500 to $7,500…

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Agreement signed to protect the marine corridor in the Pacific-breakinglatest.news-Breaking Latest News

An important environmental agreement was signed by the environment ministers of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica to protect the marine corridor in the Pacific Ocean shared by the four countries and which will host their most emblematic island territories.

Among them are the iconic Galapos islands in Ecuador, Coco in Costa Rica, Coiba in Panama, and those of Gorgona and Malpelo in Colombia, all of which are considered natural national parks or fauna and flora sanctuaries in their respective nations.

“With this signature we ratify our commitment to work on an international treaty between countries and establish actions in this strategic area, in terms of fishing, biodiversity and tourism. A permanent technical secretariat will be established to collectively move towards…

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How To Set Up and Use a VPS to Protect Your Privacy

The cost of hosting your own website or online business has never been lower. With the increasing availability of the world-wide-web and affordable hosting options, setting up your own digital presence has become much easier. However, without taking precautions to protect your personal and private information, you may find yourself exposed to online privacy breaches, identity theft and hackers. To protect your virtual private server (VPS) from cybercriminals, you need to take several steps. You need to choose a secure VPS hosting provider, configure it correctly and most importantly – keep it! A compromised VPS can be used by criminals for stealing sensitive data or serving malware. So, make sure you choose a suitable provider before finalizing your order.

Get to Know Your…

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PHP Web Application Security – How to protect your WordPress website

History of PHP:

  • PHP was developed in 1995 however was rewritten and released as PHP2.0 with a new passer engine during the year of 1997.
  • The release of the PHP2 turned this language into what it’s now known as – a server-side scripting language used by many developers all around the world, despite their level of knowledge or expertise.
  • During the year of 1998, PHP 3 was released and this allowed for additional support for Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
  • Today, PHP 8.1 has been released with new and improved features as part of it.

What is PHP?

  • PHP is an open source scripting language that is known to be one of the most popular languages when it comes to web applications.
  • Originally, PHP was the acronym for “personal home page”.
  • To put this simply, PHP is a type of…

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