Tag Archives: Q22020

Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update: Q2-2020

The pandemic certainly didn’t put the brakes on botnet operators in Q2 2020. Unfortunately, they were back in full swing, with a 77% surge in the number of botnet Command & Controllers (C&Cs) tracked and listed by the research team.

This increased activity is highlighted across most of our Top 20 lists, with extensive changes, including numerous new entries and departures…it’s never a dull moment in the botnet ecosphere.

Welcome to the Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q2 2020.

Highlighting networks 
with the most active 
botnet C&Cs

Historically, our Quarterly Botnet Threat Updates have focused on newly observed botnet Command and Controllers (C&Cs). In doing so, we can clearly illustrate the quality of a network’s customer vetting process and security mechanisms;…

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