Tag Archives: Rackspace

80+ Rackspace Statistics and Facts [Latest Trends 2024]

In an era where safeguarding and managing data is critical, numerous IT enterprises turn to cloud services for assistance. One appealing option is Rackspace, a cloud computing provider primarily offering Managed Hosting.

However, Rackspace also furnishes cloud storage, analytics, and database solutions. With these offerings, companies need not worry about storing, analyzing or organizing expansive data volumes. Additionally, the services empower operations to scale as needs evolve. In 2022, Rackspace generated over $2.57 billion USD in revenue from its multi-cloud solutions, which accounted for around 80% of the total intake.

Interestingly, Rackspace introduced its Cloud Files product to users in 2008, integrating with OpenStack for object storage capabilities. This tool has…

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