Tag Archives: revision

Startups To Help With Revision

As exam season approaches, revision can be daunting, especially if there is a lot to learn. In fact, every year over 5 million students take their first public exams: GCSEs. When you combine this number with those taking a-levels and university exams, the number of young people undertaking this task every year is huge.

Luckily, in the past few years, many startups have stepped in to make the process easier and more enjoyable. These companies are helping students throw away their revision cards and learn everything they need to know to ace their exams.

Let’s take a look at them…


1. Brainscape – Flashcard Creator


Brainscape Help Center


Brainscape is an app that allows students to create flashcards for studying. Not only that, the app is backed by memory science, strategically spacing…

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