Tag Archives: riots

Prison attack video is unrelated to recent riots – Full Fact

A video which appears to show prison officers gathered around a person with blood visible on the floor seen millions of times on X (formerly Twitter) wrongly claims to show a “recently imprisoned rioter” “severely slashed up in Strange Ways prison [sic]”. 

The caption shared alongside the clip goes on to ask “why would judges send them to a Class A prison for tweeting or assault” and adds: “Blood is on the Prime Minister’s hands if this is true.”

Versions of this post, using the same clip and text, have also been shared on Facebook.

But there is no indication that anyone involved in the video had anything to do with the recent violent disorder seen across England and Northern Ireland. 

A prison service spokesperson told Full Fact: “It is inaccurate…

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Picture of men with knives is unrelated to recent riots – Full Fact

A picture showing a group of men with knives with claims it was taken recently in Stoke is actually a still from a video that circulated a month before disorder in the UK began of men celebrating a Yemeni wedding with ceremonial daggers.

One post from 4 August is captioned: “How lovely! Yesterday, in Stoke, a mostly peaceful class in dinner etiquette and the correct use of cutlery took place, the enthusiasm really was infectious, look at their little faces!”

The image highlights “knives and swords” in the picture, asking “are these the far right, then?” 

The captions appear to be referencing violent disorder that has broken out in the past week in the wake of a stabbing attack which killed three children and wounded others in Southport on 29…

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