Tag Archives: riots

Zebras and lions filmed running through streets were not filmed during French riots

A number of videos shared on social media claim that animals such as zebras, lions and an elephant have been released onto the streets of Paris during the recent riots

Full Fact has seen videos on Facebook that claim the animals were released from Paris Zoo and others that mention Paris but not the zoo itself. 

The videos have also been extremely widely shared on TikTok and Twitter, gaining millions of views. 

While there are some differences between the videos shared on social media, most of them consist of a number of poor-quality clips apparently recorded using a mobile phone. 

One clip appears to have been filmed from a car, which is following a zebra running down a road, while another appears to show a group of lions also moving down a dark street. A third…

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Every platform cracking down on Trump after the deadly Capitol riots

On Friday, after dozens of “this claim is disputed” labels and more than a few international incidents, Twitter finally banned President Donald Trump, permanently.

The ban is a seismic shift after four years of nearly nonstop tweets from the president, who in 2015 laid claim to the title “the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters.”

And it deprives Trump of what Politico’s Alex Isenstadt this week described as his “most potent political weapon” — a digital cudgel used to incite violence and punish dissent.

But while the demise of the @realDonaldTrump handle is among the biggest tech headlines of the week — it even got its own obituary from the AP — Twitter isn’t the only platform that decided enough was enough. At least 11 different platforms have taken action…

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