Tag Archives: SEO

Google On The SEO Impact Of Changing Website Hosting Location

Google addresses whether the changing your website hosting provider to one in a new location can impact SEO and search rankings.

This topic is addressed in the latest installment of the Ask Googlebot video series on YouTube.

The following question is submitted to Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller:

“Does migrating a website hosting location affect SEO? E.g. an Australian website (and target audience) migrating its hosting location from Australia to US.”

In response, Mueller says there will initially be some changes to how Google treats a site following a hosting change.

Does that involve anything that affects search rankings? See his full response in the next section.

What Happens In Google After Changing Website Hosting Location

Google Will Slow Down Crawling (At…

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8 eCommerce SEO Tips To Improve Your Rankings In 2022

The use of eCommerce websites has never been more in demand than now. People these days are primarily introverts; we don’t usually like going outside if we can avoid it. As people grow more accustomed to their lives spent indoors rather than outdoors, reaching a customer base can be difficult when it comes to real life.

There’s only one obvious solution, take your business online! It’s easier said than done, but the results are incredibly fruitful and can help your business expand exponentially. You’ll have to use specific techniques to grow your business in the eCommerce world, which we all know as SEO.

SEO stands for search engine optimization; if you’re new to the eCommerce market, you may not know much about how best to convey your product out on the market. Luckily, we got…

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World Class SEO Friendly Web Design & Development Company Pentagon Information Technology

Pentagon Information Technology is a reputable SEO web design and development company based in the United Arab Emirates with decades of experience in the digital world, a team of top-tier professionals, and thousands of satisfied customers and clients.

Pentagon Information Technology is a distinguished SEO Agency based in UAE, offering exemplary digital marketing, web design, web hosting, and web development services at highly approachable prices.

The brand has celebrated 25 years of business recently and continues to help countless companies and businesses establish their names as future market leaders. Pentagon Information Technologies has collaborated with numerous high-profile clients, including federal governments and agencies, state governments, major universities,…

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SEO Web Hosting 101: Revealing the Secret on a Successful Business