Tag Archives: Session

How to fix Palworld failed to host multiplayer session error

The biggest appeal to Palworld for me is the multiplayer features and playing with my friends. However, I’ve run into issues, so let’s dive into how to fix the Palworld failed to host multiplayer session error.

How to fix failed to host multiplayer session Palworld error

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to solve the failed to host multiplayer session error in Palworld. The error sometimes shows up as OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate bWasSuccessful == false, but the outcome is the same, preventing you from hosting multiplayer. The issue is likely due to server strain from too many players logging into Palworld, but an update may also be responsible for takign the servers down.

Related: How to fix Palworld 0x803F8001 error code

The only thing to…

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Palworld Failed to Host Multiplayer Session Error Fix

In Palworld, the “failed to host multiplayer session” error is preventing some users from playing with their friends. The game was just released into early access today, so it’s not surprising that some issues are arising. However, given Palworld’s emphasis on multiplayer, this is one error that you’ll want to fix quickly.

Can you fix the “failed to host multiplayer session” error in Palworld?

Palworld failed to host multiplayer session error message

There’s no quick fix if you get the “failed to host multiplayer session” error in Palworld. Unlike most error messages, it at least gives you the advice to “please check your internet connection. Restarting the game or your PC may fix this issue.” However, the likely cause of this error is outside of your ability to fix it.

Unfortunately, the servers are overloaded, so…

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