Tag Archives: Soiree

Local nonprofit dedicated to circus arts to host Soirée des Arts Special: ‘Sideshow’ at Trail Theater – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Nowadays, the circus is more than clowns just pouring out of a car. Some of the body-bending acts can blow you away.

Next week, Les Ailes du Désir Foundation, Miami’s only nonprofit dedicated to circus arts, is going to host their legendary soirée, and the performers are ready to give you a high-flying good time.

Feast your eyes in wonderment. LADD is throwing its third Soirée des Arts, called “Sideshow.”

Teresa Cesario: “There’s a line in ‘Mary Poppins’ where she goes, ‘Close your mouth, you look like a codfish.’ Everyone’s mouth is just jaw-dropped.”

This jaw-dropping par-tay is going to be at Coral Gables’ Trail Theater this coming Wednesday.

Teresa Cesario: “LADD is Les Ailes Du Désir, which is French and fancy, but the school itself is…

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