The Paris 2024 Olympics were an amazing spectacle, as athletes from all over the globe competed at the highest level watched by the entire world.
The opening ceremony alone was watched by three billion viewers globally – but this wasn’t just a win for sports or the medalists, but for digital infrastructure and connectivity, too.
Mezcal is a misunderstood spirit in the United States, according to Kurt Hernon, owner of Speak of the Devil, 201 W. Fifth St. in downtown Lorain.
Hernon said he and his crew of bartenders are hoping to change that.
The business will host a mezcal tasting and education night with four varieties of the spirit July 16, complete with food to pair with each of their four offerings.
The big misunderstanding of mezcal comes partially from the spirit’s relation to tequila, Hernon explained.
“It’s related to tequila, but it’s not tequila; it’s its own thing,” he said. “(Mezcal) is derived from a multitude of varying plants from the agave family and generally in America.
“There is one variety that gets here because it’s the most common. The other varietals are small-scale, and tend…