Tag Archives: Suspends

Amazon Suspends Parler From Web-Hosting Service After Google, Apple Remove App From Stores

Amazon suspended web-hosting services for Parler one day after Google and Apple removed the social networking app from their app stores for failing to regulate users’ posts that promote violence. What do you think?

“Good on them for removing Parler before it became enormously popular and dangerous.”

Austin KurtayLandfill Organizer

“You can’t just shut down an app because you don’t agree with the murders it led to.”

Lola SoteloBug Handler

“What’s next? Banning overthrowing the government?”

Chuck Groves • Unemployed

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Amazon Web Services suspends the social platform

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Amazon suspends the social platform from its web hosting services

Amazon struck another blow to the social media platform Parler – its website is down for the count on Monday.

On Saturday, Amazon Web Services suspended Parler from its web hosting services effective 11:59 p.m. PT Sunday, BuzzFeed reported late Saturday, citing a letter it had obtained that mentions 98 examples of Parler posts that “encourage and incite violence.”

Amazon declined to comment on the suspension.

Far right-friendly Parler hit further headwinds over the weekend after the social networking service reportedly removed a post by pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood, where he threatened violence against Vice President Mike Pence.

This comes as Parler will likely be knocked offline for a week after Google and Apple removed it from their app stores. These moves along with Amazon’s suspension…

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AWS suspends web hosting for controversial Parler app

AWS has revoked its hosting services from the “free speech” social network Parler after finding a number of posts inciting violence. 

Parler was founded in 2018 but drew increased attention earlier this month after Twitter’s decision to permanently suspend the account of US President Donald Trump. Like many of its Silicon Valley peers, Twitter has been accused of stifling debate, having a liberal bias and harming free speech.

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Amazon Suspends Parler From Its Web Hosting Services

Amazon informed Parler that it will no longer host the social media company’s servers for violating its terms of service. Parler could be forced off the internet on Sunday (January 10) at 11:59 p.m. PT if the company cannot find another company to host its servers.

Amazon Web Services cited a “steady increase in this violent content” and said that Parler’s lack of moderation “poses a very real risk to public safety.”

“AWS provides technology and services to customers across the political spectrum, and we continue to respect Parler’s right to determine for itself what content it will allow on its site,” Amazon wrote in a letter to Parler. “However, we cannot provide services to a customer that is unable to effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites…

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