Tag Archives: Teachers

William Floyd Teachers Host Successful Shared Table Event, Coat Drive Scheduled for December 16

teacher group at food donation event


WFUT members at the shared table event

The William Floyd United Teachers (WFUT) recently hosted another successful shared table event to help provide food for those who may need it from the community. Shared table events, which are held periodically throughout the school year, are spearheaded by the WFUT local action committee and its chairperson Karianne Garfen. The motto is “Take what you need, give what you can.” WFUT has also sponsored Little Free Libraries within the community and coat drives to help provide new and gently-used coats for those who may need them.

WFUT & Helpsy Project Warmth Coat Giveaway on December 16
WFUT is partnering with Helpsy on a “Project Warmth” coat giveaway in our community, on Saturday, December 16 at 10 am in the William Paca Middle School cafeteria. There will be 1,000…

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