Tag Archives: Threat

Zero-day in ubiquitous Log4j tool poses a grave threat to the Internet

Zero-day in ubiquitous Log4j tool poses a grave threat to the Internet

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Exploit code has been released for a serious code-execution vulnerability in Log4j, an open source logging utility that’s used in countless apps, including those used by large enterprise organizations, several websites reported last Thursday.

Word of the vulnerability first came to light on sites catering to users of Minecraft, the best-selling game of all time. The sites warned that hackers could execute malicious code on servers or clients running the Java version of Minecraft by manipulating log messages, including from things typed in chat messages. The picture became more dire still as Log4j was identified as the source of the vulnerability, and exploit code was discovered posted online.

A big…

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Liquid Web Partners with Threat Stack to Provide Threat Stack Oversight to Managed Hosting Customers

With a growing need for security and compliance, organizations continue to choose Threat Stack during this age of digital transformation. “This has been a solution our customers have been asking for and shows our commitment to delivering what matters most to them,” said Melanie Purkis,  Director of Products for Managed Hosting. “Threat Stack provides our clients insight into active threats to their servers in real-time. Liquid Web customers can take advantage of Threat Stack’s 24/7 monitoring and remove the burden of intrusion detection from internal teams, allowing fast-growing businesses to focus on their products and services instead of day-to-day…

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Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update: Q2-2020

The pandemic certainly didn’t put the brakes on botnet operators in Q2 2020. Unfortunately, they were back in full swing, with a 77% surge in the number of botnet Command & Controllers (C&Cs) tracked and listed by the research team.

This increased activity is highlighted across most of our Top 20 lists, with extensive changes, including numerous new entries and departures…it’s never a dull moment in the botnet ecosphere.

Welcome to the Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q2 2020.

Highlighting networks 
with the most active 
botnet C&Cs

Historically, our Quarterly Botnet Threat Updates have focused on newly observed botnet Command and Controllers (C&Cs). In doing so, we can clearly illustrate the quality of a network’s customer vetting process and security mechanisms;…

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