Tag Archives: Timbers

LETTER: Bartonville politics: David vs. Goliath – Cross Timbers Gazette | Southern Denton County | Flower Mound

In light of the current election in Bartonville, let’s truly talk about Keep Bartonville Country because ‘ the light needs to be shined on them.’

This election to the town council or for mayor is between TWO INDIVIDUALS.

How come the election is shaping up to be a KBC sponsored candidate vs. another candidate? David vs. Goliath…

Keep Bartonville Country is more like a PAC or Political Action Committee. If you go to their website, which claims to be trademarked or copyrighted and is paying web hosting fees. Who paid for those costly legal fees to trademark and copyright, who pays the web hosting fees?

Where does all the money come from to run KBC and sponsor all their ‘endorsed’ candidates? My guess, deep pockets of money from somewhere? Has anyone ever asked why KBC truly…

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