Tag Archives: Updates

Public Preview: Azure Dedicated Host – Redeploy | Azure updates

A dedicated host can encounter issues caused by user configurations or underlying host infrastructure. Host ‘Redeploy’ will simplify the process to move an Azure Dedicated Host and its associated Virtual Machines (VMs) from the current node to a different node of the same hardware generation. This could be considered as user-initiated service healing.

After redeploy all the properties of the host will remain unchanged except for ‘Asset Id’ and also any data on the VMs temporary disks would get deleted.

As part of the public preview we are enabling this capability in all regions of the Azure public cloud and users would be able to redeploy their hosts using Portal or CLI.
Support through powershell and support in soveriegn clouds is coming soon.


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Google Enhances Chrome’s Safe Browsing With Real-Time Updates

Google updated its Safe Browsing feature. Now, Chrome users can receive real-time updates on dangerous websites. In the past, Safe Browsing updated its database of harmful sites every 30 to 60 minutes.

But since many harmful sites are only active for a short period, often less than 10 minutes, this was not effective enough. Now, Google’s servers will update the Safe Browsing list constantly, offering immediate protection against new threats. Google claims this method will reduce phishing site encounters by a margin.

Privacy has been a key focus in this update. Real-time Safe Browsing employs various privacy-preserving techniques to ensure Google does not learn the specifics of the sites users visit.

This feature has been released on Chrome’s desktop and iOS versions, with…

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In order to allow faster updates, Dedicated Servers and more, Xbox Working Closely With Palworld Developer

Palworld, named by its famous name for its enemies’ similar style and patterns – has experienced an incredible rise in the 3 weeks since it went public. It became one of world’s biggest gaming history with which multiplayer is now known as “Pokemon”. Since the argument that Palworld is not a rip-off of Pokemon remains to be debated among fans and Nintendo’s lawyers, what could still lie? The game has gone on its impressive success in terms for which it earned Microsoft support moving forward.

In a recent post in Xbox Wire, it announced that Microsoft will work with Pocketpair to assist developers of Palworld in developing the necessary resources.

“On Xbox, I’m working with Pocketpair to get the support for games like this,” said Windows in a blog post….

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Enshrouded updates will expand the building tools, tweak resource respawning and fix progress loss

Now see here Ollie Toms, supposed guides editor of this supposed videogames website – if Enshrouded really does have “the best building system in the survival genre” then why does the floor of my hovel look like a petrified sneeze? I was innocently carving myself a nice stone foundation last night when the Devil jogged my elbow and I dug a massive, raggedy trench straight through it. I’ve spent an hour now trying to fill in the trench and flatten it out, to no avail. There’s always a jaggedy bit right in the middle, and I’m getting displaced trypophobia from the awareness that my efforts have seeded the terrain beneath with random cavities.

What’s worse, there is no mention of enhancing the floor-levelling functionality in this Keen Games forum post on Enshrouded’s…

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Azure Updates: Generative AI; Healthcare; Dedicated Host; API Management pricing tiers

Generative AI capabilities are a central theme for Microsoft announcements in 2023. Microsoft partner general manager Hadas Bitran explored some of the ways that the company is applying generative AI capabilities to the healthcare industry. New AI capabilities are transforming the way that healthcare organizations interpret X-ray and MRI results, offering a boost to precision medicine initiatives.

To better meet these needs, Bitran announced that new capabilities are coming to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. Azure AI Language Service will include generally available multi-language support in Text Analytics. A de-identification service is in preview for Fabric and Health Data Services to remove identifiers from health data. Increasingly, healthcare organizations will be…

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