Tag Archives: Windows

‘ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Error’ on Windows 11/10

In this article we will discuss about the Fix ‘ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Error’ on Windows. When a server takes too long to respond to your request to load a website, Google Chrome will show an error message like “This page is not available” or “This site cannot be reached,” along with the error code “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.” This error can be annoying, but there are a few ways to fix it in Windows 11 or Windows 10, depending on whether it only happens on certain websites or on all websites. Visit official Website for more information.


  • Server not found: one of the most common reasons for the connection timed out error is when you ask a server for access but the server is currently down, or you have entered…

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Police don’t advise smashing car windows to rescue dogs in hot weather

Claims that “police say” you can smash a window to rescue a dog from a hot car after taking a photograph and waiting five minutes have been shared almost 180,000 times on Facebook

The posts, which encourage others to copy and paste the content in order to share it more widely, say: “Police say if you see a dog locked in a car in case of high heat, take a picture of the dog and the car, call the police, wait 5 minutes and break the car window. 

“This way you will not be charged with criminal damage and will give evidence to the police to take the dog owners to court.”

But this isn’t true. The National Police Chiefs’ Council told Full Fact that the information shared online is “not accurate”. 

A spokesperson for the organisation added: “If you…

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Sailing Smoothly: Affordable Windows VPS Hosting in Ontario, Canada

Are you looking for an affordable and reliable hosting solution in Ontario, Canada? Look no further! This blog will explore the world of cheap Canadian VPS hosting and how it can provide you with a seamless sailing experience for your online ventures. Focusing on Ontario, Canada, this article will discuss the benefits of Windows VPS hosting.

Ontario, Canada: A Thriving Digital Landscape

With its robust infrastructure, advanced technology, and supportive business environment, Ontario has emerged as a hub for…

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Sailing Smoothly: Affordable Windows VPS Hosting in Ontario, Canada

Are you looking for an affordable and reliable hosting solution in Ontario, Canada? Look no further! This blog will explore the world of cheap Canadian VPS hosting and how it can provide you with a seamless sailing experience for your online ventures. Focusing on Ontario, Canada, this article will discuss the benefits of Windows VPS hosting.

Ontario, Canada: A Thriving Digital Landscape

With its robust infrastructure, advanced technology, and supportive business environment, Ontario has emerged as a hub for…

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Windows XP Activation Algorithm Cracked for Offline Use

The Windows XP activation algorithm has been cracked offline using Linux, The Register reports

According to a blog post on Tinyapps, a site that catalogs tiny software made for Windows, the crack means it’s possible to activate new Windows XP installations safely and securely offline. It’s worth noting that Windows XP has been cracked with tweaks and unofficial patches since its launch in 2001, but this crack allows people to activate XP offline without altering the OS whatsoever. 

According to a subreddit discussing the crack, the software that allowed for it to happen has been on the internet for months, and it’s not known who made and shared it or, The Verge notes.

The product activation algorithm was cracked “some time ago,” The Register says, and in 2019 an…

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