Tag Archives: WordPress

How to Copy Your WordPress Site to a Subdomain for Safe Testing

Looking to build a new website, update an old one, or try out some new plugins? The best practice is to get started by using a staging website. This provides a safe environment for testing and experiments, and if anything goes wrong, you don’t have to worry about your live website crashing or being out of service for a while.

The precise steps to take in creating a staging website may differ depending on the type of website. In this post, you will learn how to easily copy your WordPress site to a subdomain for safe staging. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Create a Subdomain

You will need a subdomain where you can host your new staging websites. Hopefully, you already know what a subdomain is. Subdomains are free to create, and most hosting services allow you to create…

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Google’s Mueller On Self-Hosted WordPress Versus Wix

Google’s John Mueller answered a question on Reddit about moving an SMB site from Wix to a self-hosted WordPress environment. He offered his opinion on this specific scenario and within this context discussed the relative merits and shortcomings of managed and self-managed WordPress for SMBs.

Small and Medium Businesses (SMB)

SMB means small and medium businesses and what those sizes mean is not anything set in stone, there are multiple definitions.

In general small businesses are those with under 100 employees. Medium size businesses are those with between 100 to 500 employees and some definitions rank medium as high as 1,000 employees.

Managed and Self-hosted WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a hosting environment where the web host takes care of all the technical…

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Yet another WordPress plugin vulnerability leaves over one million websites exposed

A new WordPress plugin vulnerability has been discovered that could allow an attacker to gain access to a site’s administrator login page.

The vulnerability exists in the popular WPS Hide Login plugin and was discovered by a user with the handle thalakus who posted a brief description of the issue on WordPress.org’s support forum. 

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How to troubleshoot common WordPress errors

With WordPress, you can create and manage a site almost without any technical knowledge. It has many built-in features and templates that let you get started right away. And if you do need to change something, the large user community can help you out.

But as with all things in the world (software included), WordPress is not bulletproof. That means you are responsible for proper functioning, site security, privacy, and maintenance. WordPress’ errors happen, and the consequences are usually not so good. That’s why you need to take care of your site.

FinConDX 2021

WordPress provides you with a lot of tools and “know how” documentation, but at the end of the day, these tools can only do their job if you are familiar with them and know how to use them properly.

This article highlights the…

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Top 7 Tips To Make Your WordPress Site Fast & Secure

Ready to build your first website? Are you shopping for affordable WordPress web hosting?

There are multiple types of web hosting solutions to choose from: shared hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, and VPS hosting, to name a few.

If you own a small- or medium-sized business, shared hosting is likely going to be your best fit.

What Should I Look For In a Shared Hosting Provider?

Shared hosting is a great, budget-friendly solution for businesses that don’t need large, dedicated space for their website.

Small- and medium-sized businesses can easily claim a place online without paying hundreds to thousands of dollars per month.

There are dozens of shared hosting providers, but not all of these providers have everything you need to run a high-performance WordPress website.

Selecting the…

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