Tag Archives: Yorkshire

South Yorkshire Police has not arrested a man for inciting hatred by ‘insisting he was English’

A screenshot circulating online appears to show a post by South Yorkshire Police claiming a man had been arrested for “repeatedly insisting” he was English. However, this post is not a genuine one from the force and there are no records of any such arrest. 

The screenshot shows a post on X (formerly Twitter) of the police force supposedly saying: “NEWS: Sheffield man Richard Thompson has been arrested and charged with inciting hatred under the Racial and Religious Hatred Act.

“Thompson used threatening language in public, repeatedly insisting he was ‘English’ in the presence of minority groups.”

It has been shared on Facebook with the caption: “Imagine being an English man in England getting arrested for saying you’re English because it offends a…

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Road sign in Yorkshire does not have Arabic translations

A photo is circulating on social media supposedly showing a road sign in Yorkshire that has been translated into Arabic. But the image has been digitally altered and is not genuine. 

Several posts on both Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) have shared the image with text saying “Islamificatiin of U.K. [sic]” and one post has been shared more than 1,000 times. 

The image shows a green road sign directing drivers to Harrogate, Leeds, Shipley and Keighley, with a separate sign for an airport. Words in Arabic appear beneath the English. 

However, this photo has been edited to include the Arabic, and has been circulating online since at least 2016

The image appears to have been taken from a Google Street view image from 2015. The real sign, which is in Bradford,…

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