Tag Archives: Zenkel

Passionpreneur Publishing proudly announces that Bianca Zenkel has started her journey of becoming a published author.

Her upcoming inspiring book is titled A career women’s guide to self-leadership and will be available via major players in the global book distribution field.

(Isstories Editorial):- Dubai, United Arab Emirates Apr 22, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – About The Book

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A Career Woman’s Guide to Self-Leadership by Bianca Zenkel is the quintessential guide to finding clarity, tapping into confidence, and creating the life you want. Best of all, it comes from someone who has done it against all odds.

If you’re serious about using simple, actionable life lessons to create lasting change–this is the book for you.

Once released, the book will be available in print format in the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East; and the e-book will have a…

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