The first alternative to CloudLinux LVE Manager is here, from the good folks at LiteSpeed

The first alternative to CloudLinux LVE Manager is here, from the good folks at LiteSpeed

I can’t help but think that LiteSpeed is adding that because cPanel and CloudLinux are so heavily integrated i.e CloudLinux uses AccelerateWP, and CloudLinux didn’t go with LiteSpeed to use LiteSpeed/LScache. Instead, cPanel/CloudLinux choose Nginx/WP Rocket.

LiteSpeed will have cgroups and then also maybe add their own Redis. That means many could use cPanel/LiteSpeed without CloudLinux, at least for single websites/small workloads. Of course, CloudLinux still has many other benefits than just true resources limits and Redis (when using AccelerateWP).

Sure is interesting.

Whoever launches a combo of cPanel, LiteSpeed, CloudLinux, Imunify360, and Acronis, all built-in, will be a winner. That will never happen, though, at least not in our lifetime.

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