Top 3 Growth Companies With High Insider Ownership On Euronext Paris

Top 3 Growth Companies With High Insider Ownership On Euronext Paris

As the French market navigates through a period of mixed economic signals and fluctuating investor sentiment, growth companies with high insider ownership have garnered significant attention. In this environment, stocks that demonstrate robust growth potential and strong insider confidence can offer unique opportunities for investors seeking stability amid volatility.

Top 10 Growth Companies With High Insider Ownership In France

Name Insider Ownership Earnings Growth
Groupe OKwind Société anonyme (ENXTPA:ALOKW) 24.8% 36%
VusionGroup (ENXTPA:VU) 13.5% 25.7%
Adocia (ENXTPA:ADOC) 11.9% 63%
Icape Holding (ENXTPA:ALICA) 30.2% 35.1%
Arcure (ENXTPA:ALCUR) 21.4% 27.5%
La Française de l’Energie (ENXTPA:FDE) 19.9% 31.9%
S.M.A.I.O (ENXTPA:ALSMA) 17.3% 35.2%
Munic (ENXTPA:ALMUN) 29.4% 149.2%
OSE Immunotherapeutics…

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