Looking for 1/2 rack colocation in Houston, TX – Web Hosting Talk

Looking for 1/2 rack colocation in Houston, TX – Web Hosting Talk

Quote Originally Posted by Purevoltage
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You are going to be much more limited in Huston and paying a higher price most likely.

Check out Cogent if you want budget lights out location. Since you are living there it should be fine.

I did and it is not budget lights out considering i will be single homed to their network and people keep saying bad things about their network but willing to deal with it for good price but am not sure why Dallas has better price than houston when they like 200-250 miles apart.

Anyone willing to explain that to me?

Why dont you hosting providers and more data centers want to come to Houston, but fine with Dallas? Is something wrong with Houston?

shouldnt that make Houston cheaper but then it is more expensive

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