Save up to 80% off Lifetime Subscriptions to HostVerge Web Hosting Plans

Save up to 80% off Lifetime Subscriptions to HostVerge Web Hosting Plans

Today’s highlighted deal comes via our Apps + Software section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save up to 80% off HostVerge Web Hosting Plans: Lifetime Subscription.

hostverge laptop with web hosting example on the screen

HostVerge is a top-tier hosting service designed for agencies, e-commerce businesses, and entrepreneurs, and more containing features like unlimited SSD storage, a free Content Delivery Network (CDN), and SSL certificates so that your website will load quickly and remain secure.

Additionally, HostVerge simplifies website management with one-click installations for popular platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and more. Migrations are hassle-free, and daily backups ensure data safety.

The service is…

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