How Toronto’s Yu & Mei are Mastering the Art of Hosting

How Toronto’s Yu & Mei are Mastering the Art of Hosting

Childhood friends, Amy Yu and Sasha Mei, have made it their mission to bring simplicity back to the art of hosting. Through their platform Yu & Mei, they emphasize that the simplest gestures of connection can create unforgettable experiences. From stripping away the unnecessary to embracing the power of conversation, they offer invaluable tips for hosting individuals alike. Here, Sasha and Amy share their wisdom on effortless gatherings and the magic of a great dinner party.

What’s your best advice for hosts looking to create an effortless dinner party?

“It sounds so straightforward, but remember that you’re hosting a dinner. We find that a lot of events tend to be convoluted with extra fluff and activities, and when done incorrectly it can come off as cumbersome and…

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