Is it negligient of CVC Fund to not acquire Litespeed & Cloudlinux? – Web Hosting Talk

Is it negligient of CVC Fund to not acquire Litespeed & Cloudlinux? – Web Hosting Talk

Quote Originally Posted by frankfm
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cloudlinux is of value to redhat not because of their profitability but their team of kernel engineers (the fact that almacare resources can be redirected to redhatcare is an extra bonus)

I do not think the resources are interchangeable in that way. RHEL develops OS, while AlmaLinux devs stitch together RHEL packages; in other words, they repackage RHEL. One is OS development, another is advanced distribution. But both are of significant importance.

Take that opinion with a grain of salt because I do not have any first-hand insight into the workforce of either company.

In any case, do not pursue this line of thought. If it materializes, it can bring disaster to the shared hosting industry. While I am sure most…

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