Server has 100 ms lag spikes every few hours. Am I being unreasonable asking for a fix?

Server has 100 ms lag spikes every few hours. Am I being unreasonable asking for a fix?

Quote Originally Posted by Purevoltage
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I have to agree, if they are having to clear their arp table multiple times a day they have a major network issue going on. That sounds like a very critical bug or lack of hardware going on for them that needs to be addressed asap. I would suggest leaving that provider then name and shaming them. If they’re telling you nothing can be done about this.

I don’t normally advocate that, but in this case it may be justified.

A single arista 7050qx32s can arp more ips than most networks will ever have, for like $700. ARP, for ipv4, is a cheap problem to solve these days. If you’re having to regularly clear ipv4 arp, it shows either very poor network hardware or an incompetent network administrator.

For IPv6 it can…

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