Tag Archives: Cloud

Data Management: Cloud Technology or Data Centers?

Traditionally, larger enterprises have relied on in-house server hardware equipment for their data management needs, optimized to run high-performing applications with a certain degree of assured security and reliability. 

However, the high costs and technical expertise required to manage these solutions effectively often render them inaccessible to startups and emerging businesses. But, as the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. 

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With the growing demand for cost-effective, efficient data management solutions, the tech industry has witnessed the advent of cloud technology and data center colocation rental services. These alternatives pave the way for startups and small businesses to handle large volumes of data without straining their budgets.

This article will…

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Perseverance of a woman entrepreneur in managed cloud hosting

Her family wanted her to follow her father’s footsteps and be a bureaucrat. Once married she had the option to join the enterprises run by her husband’s family. But Anooja Bashir was not ready for either. She wanted to tread a path of her own in the vast and unfamiliar terrain of entrepreneurship. It was not at all that easy. Two of her initial ventures failed, pushing her to mounting debts. But she was not ready to give up, and her perseverance paid off with a third venture – a tech startup – which looks promising.

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HostColor Launched Cloud Servers With Unrestricted Data Transfer, Business News

HostColor.com (HC) announced Cloud infrastructure services with unrestricted data transfer. Owners of Hosted Private Clouds and Cloud Servers that host websites and applications are not charged for internet traffic per gigabyte.

HostColor.com (HC) announced U.S. Public Cloud Servers and Hosted Private Clouds with unrestricted data transfer. Clients of the cloud server host use 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps unmetered internet connectivity with no egress fees for the internet traffic.

HostColor.com delivers U.S. Cloud server hosting services with unrestricted data transfer.

HC’s Public Cloud Servers are used for hosting websites and various software applications that deliver services to the public internet. They are based on VMware ESXi…

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Asset servicing technology news | TNS launches Cloud

Transaction Network Services has launched TNS Cloud – Server Management to deliver support to buy- and sell-side institutions and vendors.

The initiative will combine the company’s server hosting capabilities with direct server management.

The Virginia firm’s new utility is designed to streamline trading data centers by providing operations and maintenance for customer servers.

It provides clients with a suite of services including operating system installation, configuration and management, server hardware, operating system health monitoring and user access management.

The suite makes use of TNS’ bare metal servers and aims to provide low latency trading connectivity for exchange trading and to reduce trading center complexity and costs.

The launch…

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Colocation vs Cloud | Web Hosting Talk

Hey guys,

Would it be smart for a web host move from Colocation to the Cloud, if you could give me a few pros and cons and possibly a few Cloud provider which we could move to and also maybe some web hosts that already move from colocating to cloud.

Also, another option I thought of, is renting servers from providers such Velia and doing our virtualiztion out of their servers, our hosting doesn’t really sell shared hosting, 99% of our clients are on VM packages.

Many thanks for your time.

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