Tag Archives: Donts

The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Branding

Dos and Don’ts of naming your business – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter

It is a common misconception among people who do not own their own business that certain creative aspects, such as designing the logo and, of course, coming up with a fitting name, are easy – fun activities with which to wile away a quiet afternoon. “If I had a business, I would name it…” is a common phrase uttered by the friends and family of a fresh-faced entrepreneur – one that, though well-meant, only clouds the creative waters further when it comes time to put a name to the face of a fledgling brand.

And, while it may be more enjoyable than the more quantitative tasks of accounting and stock purchasing, the stakes are, arguably, even higher – changing an existing name six months down the line is something most of us want to avoid (both for the business’s finances,…

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