Tag Archives: Fix

5 Reasons Why Your Website Is Holding You Back and How to Fix It

7 min read

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Your website’s performance is a direct representation of your business, and by today’s standards, the average consumer expects a fast-loading website. Not only is a technically sound website important for a smooth user experience, but it also impacts your search-engine optimization, hence affecting how Google ranks you on searches. 

Two seconds is the absolute maximum load time you should aim for; anything longer than two seconds will definitely push a large percentage of visitors away, which increases your bounce rate, the fancy internet-marketing term professionals…

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6 Reasons Why Your Website Is Slow and How to Fix It

In 2021, site speed optimization is a must if you want to build a successful online business. The reason is that site speed affects search engine optimization (SEO), user experience, bounce rates, and– most importantly– conversion rates.

However, a recent study suggests that the average time it takes to fully load a webpage is 10.3 seconds on desktop and 27.3 seconds on mobile.

In other words, website owners are still struggling to optimize their sites’ pages. Here are some of the most common issues that can slow a website down and solutions that every site owner can benefit from.

Reason 1: Low-Quality Hosting Services

Website speed optimization starts way before you have an actual website. Finding a high-quality Managed Service Provider (MSP) and choosing the right hosting service is…

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Valheim dedicated server fix: What to do if Valheim dedicated servers aren’t showing up

Renting or setting up a dedicated server is a fantastic way to play Valheim with friends. Instead of relying on one person to be the host, your group can have a persistent world to build and explore that’s easily accessible at any time. But a lot of players are struggling with the same problem: Their dedicated server isn’t showing up in Valheim’s in-game server browser. Even if you search for your server by name, there’s a good chance that it just won’t appear for your friends.

It’s a frustrating but well-known issue in the community, and it appears to be caused by Valheim’s in-game server browser not listing every available dedicated server. Until Valheim’s developers find a better solution, there’s fortunately a really simple fix you can try. Some of us at PC Gamer have been trying…

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More Servers Won’t Always Fix Your Scaling Problems

At the end of March, Slack CEO Steward Butterfield posted a screenshot that graphed the number of newly created work teams on the platform from January through March. The graph is flat for the first two and a half months, then suddenly shoots up around March 12 — the time when offices around the country began to close and workers started working from home due to COVID-19.

Slack uses AWS, so it was able to autoscale and keep up with demand. But while using a cloud service can be a good way of handling a sudden increase in usage, not all companies use external cloud services, and scaling problems can be complex.

MORE ON ENGINEERINGWhen Microservices Aren’t the Answer


metrics illustration
Looking at performance metrics and usage data together helps determine whether you’re seeing a scaling problem. |…

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