Tag Archives: Fraud

How To Protect Your Business Bank Account From Fraud

Becoming a victim of fraud is a concern for both individuals and business owners alike, especially in light of the incredible advancements in technology used by cybercriminals. With the proliferation of the internet, information and data is now being shared far more broadly, which, in turn, creates a great deal more risk.

Thus, while information sharing has been incredible for global communication and business in general, it’s also created a lot of opportunities for criminal activity.

So, if you’re a business owner or a high-up executive, the biggest question is how you can properly protect your bank account from fraud and any other criminal activity.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy, foolproof way to ensure that you never become the victim of cybercrime, but there are…

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The ad industry’s battle with ad fraud rumbles on: who will win?

Last year, digital ad spend passed $600 billion worldwide. Impressive, right? Here’s a more impressive stat: an estimated $150 billion of that was stolen by digital ad fraudsters and bots. That’s $411 million every day.

We know that digital ad fraud – attempts from cybercriminals to defraud digital advertisers for financial gain by misrepresenting clicks, conversions or data events – now accounts for $1 of every $4 spent on digital ads. This can come in many forms, from cybercriminals working alone or in a group, to large organizations attempting to thwart competitors by hijacking ad campaigns.

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Rise in Fraud Anticipated with Increased AI Use in Finance, Warns UK Watchdog

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the United Kingdom’s chief financial watchdog, has issued a warning about the increased risk of fraud associated with the growing adoption of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, in financial services.

While AI can provide endless benefits, such as cutting prices for consumers and streamlining operations, it may also pose significant threats to market integrity and consumer protection if not properly managed.

The watchdog has already observed how volatility during a trading day has doubled and amplified compared to during the 2008 global financial crisis.

“This surge in intraday short-term trading across markets and asset classes suggests investors are increasingly turning to highly automated strategies,” the watchdog says.


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Pfizer hasn’t been fined $2.3 billion for fraud relating to Covid vaccines

A post on Instagram, liked more than 28,000 times, appears to link a press conference about pharmaceutical company Pfizer being fined $2.3 billion with the Covid-19 vaccines. 

The Instagram reel features a clip of then-US associate attorney general Thomas Perrelli  saying: “Pfizer has agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. Within that $2.3 billion is a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, which makes it the largest criminal fine in history.”

Meanwhile, the caption says: “Were the non- vaccinated “Critical Thinkers!?”. The video of the press conference is also followed by a meme with the words: “Me wondering why all the new variants suddenly stopped”, further linking the clip to the…

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Platform Frauds Are 57% of India’s Total Fraud Landscape

In the wake of the pandemic, the world has experienced an unprecedented shift towards remote work and digital transactions. While this has brought about convenience and efficiency, it has also given rise to a new form of economic crime that has left many businesses reeling: platform fraud.

Platform fraud has emerged as a major concern for organizations in India, as they increasingly rely on various digital platforms to conduct their business. From social media to e-commerce and enterprise platforms, these channels have become an integral part of daily operations. Social media connects individuals and businesses alike, while e-commerce platforms offer unparalleled access to goods and services.

Enterprise platforms, on the other hand, enable companies to interact with customers, process…

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