Tag Archives: Guanabacoa

Police Car Collides with Motorist in Guanabacoa, Havana: Witnesses Share Account on Facebook

Title: Police Car Collides with Motorist in Havana Municipality; Uncertainty Surrounds Fatal Outcome

In an unfortunate incident reported by witnesses on Facebook, a police car collided with a motorist in the Havana municipality of Guanabacoa. The accident took place on Thursday night at the intersection of 4th and Ocho Vías streets. According to a post on the group “BUSES & TRUCKS ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!”, a patrol car was involved in the collision, striking the motorist from behind.

While there is no official confirmation, an online user stated, “It seems that the one on the motorcycle died.” The seriousness of the accident remains uncertain at this time.

An eyewitness shared a two-second video on the Facebook group, displaying the…

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