Tag Archives: Hacked

Anonymous says it hacked right-wing website

A web hosting company that has provided services to several controversial right-wing websites has confirmed that it has been hacked. CNN and The Washington Post report that the information has been made public by hacking collective Anonymous.

CNN and The Post report that 150 gigabytes of previously private data have been made public. Experts believe that the massive hack could shed more light on the far-right groups that attempted to overturn the 2020 presidential election and or advocate for violence against certain racial and ethnic groups.

The hosting company, Epik, has made a name for itself by providing web hosting capabilities to far-right groups who have been kicked offline by other companies who refuse to host their hateful content.

In recent years, Epik has provided hosting…

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FBI hacked and operated an Irish web hosting service

Using a flaw in Firefox and Tor

An Irish man who ran a cheap dark web hosting service has been sentenced today to 27 years in prison for turning a blind eye to customers hosting child sex abuse material.

While there are few who will mourn the fate of Eric Eoin Marques, 36, from Dublin, who operated the Freedom Hosting service between July 2008 and July 2013, there are a few questions about the way he was bought down.

The FBI found and exploited a security hole in Firefox to identify users of the Tor Browser Bundle. Using that they found that the hosting service contained over 200 child exploitation websites that housed millions of images of child exploitation material.

More than 1.97 million of these images or videos were not previously known by law…

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FBI hacked and operated an Irish web hosting service

Using a flaw in Firefox and Tor

An Irish man who ran a cheap dark web hosting service has been sentenced today to 27 years in prison for turning a blind eye to customers hosting child sex abuse material.

While there are few who will mourn the fate of Eric Eoin Marques, 36, from Dublin, who operated the Freedom Hosting service between July 2008 and July 2013, there are a few questions about the way he was bought down.

The FBI found and exploited a security hole in Firefox to identify users of the Tor Browser Bundle. Using that they found that the hosting service contained over 200 child exploitation websites that housed millions of images of child exploitation material.

More than 1.97 million of these images or videos were not previously known by law…

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Group Alleges It Hacked Far-Right Web Host Epik

The hactivist collective Anonymous says that it has gained access to a massive trove of data from Epik, the web host and domain registrar for a variety of right-wing sites. Epik’s client list has reportedly ranged from more mainstream conservative groups like the Texas Republican Party to Gab and other far-right sites on the fringes of the internet.

In a press release, Anonymous says that it has captured “a decade’s worth of data” from Epik. They say the data includes domain registrations, domain transfers, passwords, account credentials for all of Epik’s customers, logins, more than a half-million private keys, payment history, a “dump of an employee’s mailbox, just because we could,” and more. Of the private keys, they wrote, “What are they for? Who…

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