Tag Archives: Provider

How do you Pick a Web Hosting Provider

Finding the perfect web hosting provider to suit your website needs may be challenging if you don’t know what you’re looking for in a provider.

(Newswire.net — September 29, 2020) — Having a good web hosting provider is an integral part of launching or sustaining a personal or business website, or a digital marketing campaign; yet finding the perfect web hosting provider to suit your website needs may be challenging if you don’t know what you’re looking for in a provider.

Adriaan Brits, the CEO of Sitetrail says that “Hosting companies operate with a fat profit margin and re-invest a lot in marketing. The challenge is that somewhere along the line, consumer reviews become inaccurate – and businesses end up losing money because of cybersecurity problems…

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Most Important Things To Look For When Choosing a VPS Provider


Creating a website is the best choice for your growing business. It opens up new avenues for growth, tons of fresh traffic to your business, and much more. However, picking the right web hosting for your website can be hard. If you’re considering VPS hosting as your go-to platform, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll cover what to look for when choosing a VPS hosting provider.

To give you the big picture, you need to inspect the provider’s reliability, customer support, and service pricing before you purchase a VPS. All of those should be convenient for you. Technical-wise, there are other things to consider, like the hardware, Operating System (OS), and backend operation management. For these, choose a plan that really suits your needs.

A great example…

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European web hosting provider suffers multiple Tbps DDoS attacks

Last weekend, a European web hosting provider with operations around the globe was hit by a number of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

The attacks peaked at 1.04Tbps, which is about half the largest recorded DDoS onslaught recorded to date, which occured when Amazon’s AWS Shield stopped a 2.3Tbps attack in February 2020.

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5 common mistakes to avoid when choosing your web hosting provider

As a first-time website owner, you might find the process of reviewing and deciding on a web host provider somewhat daunting. In such a vibrant industry, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of online experts keen to share advice on web hosting. 

This barrage begins from the moment you decide to launch a site, and it’s easy to make rookie mistakes at this early stage. With this article, we want to inform you about what the most common mistakes are and, more importantly, how you can avoid them.

1. Choosing a free web hosting provider 

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5 common mistakes to avoid when choosing your web hosting provider

You have a lot on your plate when you start a new business. Choosing the best web hosting provider for your company website can seem like a chore, especially when you realize how many different options there are out there to choose from. There are thousands of web hosting providers vying for your business, each with completely different plans, and each of them can tell you precisely why they’re the best choice for you and your business.

Choosing the wrong web hosting service can prove disastrous down the line. In this article, we’ve put together the top five mistakes new web hosting buyers make so you can avoid falling into the same traps.

1. Using a free hosting service 

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