Savvy Seahorse lures A/NZ Victims to fake investment Platforms through Facebook ads – Intelligent CIO APAC

Savvy Seahorse lures A/NZ Victims to fake investment Platforms through Facebook ads – Intelligent CIO APAC

Leading perpetrator of online investment scams, which cost Australians and New Zealanders billions of dollars, unmasked in new report.

Infoblox has released a report unmasking Savvy Seahorse as a leading perpetrator of online cybercriminal investment scam websites.

The threat actor has operated in the shadows since at least 2021 and its target victims include people in Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ).

Savvy Seahorse uses Facebook ads to lure in victims and convince them to open accounts, make deposits and invest in companies including Tesla and Meta.

Once deposited, the cybercriminal gang then transfers the funds to a bank in Russia.

Its tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) also include ChatGPT and WhatsApp bots imitating online webchats to encourage victims…

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